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Toledo village leaders attend training sessions

Village leaders training (Toledo district)

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Posted: Tuesday, February 18, 2014. 8:55 pm CST.

Village leaders training (Toledo district)

Village leaders training
(Toledo district)

JUAN CAAL Reporting: Representatives of villages in the Toledo district took part in a training workshop on Monday.  The one day event was held at the Community Center in Elridgeville village.

It was organized and facilitated by the Rural Development Department of the Ministry of Local Government.

Village leaders training (Toledo)

Village leaders training

Rural Development Officer Edwardo Cus says that the workshop, which is the first in as series, was designed to strengthen the capacity of local leaders and to help them understand the Village Council Act and be able to use it to their advantage.

It is also hoped that the series of training workshops will also enable the participants to discharge their roles and responsibilities more effectively.

“I am very sure that with this training, they will be able to go back to their communities and be more effective in doing fulfilling their call as leaders of their communities,” said Mr. Cus in an interview.


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