Garifuna Settlement Day celebrated in Dangriga
November 19, 2014
Belize ~ PetroCaribe Threat to Democratic Way of Life
November 19, 2014

TV Ramos bust unveiled in Dangriga town

TV Ramos bust arrives in Dangriga

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Posted: Wednesday, November 19, 2014. 10:03 am CST.

TV Ramos bust arrives in Dangriga

TV Ramos bust arrives in Dangriga

Wednesday, November 19, 2014. PATRICK E. JONES Reporting: The bust of Garifuna hero Thomas Vincent Ramos was officially unveiled this morning in Dangriga Town.

During the Mass of Thanksgiving as part of Garifuna Settlement Day celebrations, the bust was unveiled and it was blessed by Father Larry Nicacio at the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church.

Bust of TV Ramos

Bust of TV Ramos

Sculpted by artist Steven Okeke, the bust was a source of much controversy earlier this year; but after a formal agreement, including a discounted price offered by the sculptor, the bust has now found a permanent home in Dangriga town.

Present at the unveiling of the TV Ramos bust this morning were grandson of TV Ramos, Mr. Ivan Ramos, Leader of the Opposition Francis Fonseca, Mayor of Dangriga Gilbert Swaso, President of the National Garifuna Council Robert Mariano and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington.


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