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SPECIAL REPORT: Students face challenges getting to classes from rural Toledo

Students on the way to classes

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Posted: Friday, November 21, 2014. 9:45 pm CST.

Students on the way to classes

Students on the way to classes

CONTRIBUTED BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Friday, November 21, 2014. The quest for a secondary school education is a daily struggle for children in remote parts of the Toledo district.

Students on the way to classes

Students on the way to classes

As evidenced by pictures obtained today, students from Jalacte village have to walk miles through mud and water to get from their village to where they can catch a school bus to take them into town.

Belmopan Aggregates

And it is not only Jalacte village where the road is in dire need of fixing.

Many of the other villages also suffer the same problems including Crique Sarco and San Vicente.

On the way to classes

On the way to classes

Some of these children, about 50 or 60 of them, attend either the Toledo Community College of the Julian Cho Technical High School.

They have to be up at 4 am in some cases to get ready and make the difficult journey from their village to make it out to town for classes.

And when the day is done, they have to retrace their steps to get back home.

Then 8 hours later, they have to repeat the process all over again.

Challenges to get to classes

Challenges to get to classes

Former students tell of a similar ordeal they had to endure, and it is a situation that continues to this day.

Some of the roads to some of the rural Toledo villages are so bad that some days the students arrive at school late or some don’t make it to classes at all.

It is a sacrifice that continues to be made as the boys and girls aspire to gain an education in order to improve their lives and contribute positively to their communities.


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