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GoJoven celebrates tenth anniversary

GoJoven anniversary

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Posted: Friday, November 28, 2014. 10:06 pm CST.

GoJoven anniversary

GoJoven anniversary

Friday, November 28, 2014. JUAN CAAL Reporting: GoJoven Belize, a youth-led organization, today celebrated it’s 10 anniversary at the Chateau Caribbean Hotel conference room.

Eva Burgos

Eva Burgos

According to Executive Director Eva Burgos the organization has, since its establishment in Belize, served as an advocate for young people on the topic of sexual and reproductive health.

Burgos say that sexual and reproductive health continues to be an issue that needs to be addressed.

The organization serves as an advocate for young people, with about 50 members who regularly undergo leadership training as well as training in other youth-related areas.

GoJoven anniversary

GoJoven anniversary

The program provides and avenue for young people to be more active in their communities and to work together in achieving a better sexual health experience for young people.

GoJoven looks forward to work with different stakeholders to implement policies, programs and education curriculum on sexual and reproductive health.

Darrel Bradley

Darrel Bradley

Guest Speaker at today’s anniversary ceremony was mayor of Belize City Darrell Bradley who shared his gratitude to the organization in taking the leadership role in transforming the life of young people and knowing that they are leaders that will bring change and development among Belize’s youth population.


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