Posted: Thursday, March 2, 2017. 1:21 pm CST.
By BBN Staff: Brukdown Queen, Leela Vernon, will be laid to rest today.
The ceremony began at 11 a.m. and is being held at the St Peter Claver Church in Punta Gorda.
According to reports, the church is packed with a diverse group of the nation’s political leaders as well as her fans who enjoyed her music over the years.
Wil Maheia is delivering the eulogy, while Paul Mahung is serving as the Master of Ceremony.
The anthem will be performed by Ernestine Carballo in the Creole translation, which was originally written by the late Vernon herself.
A 21 gun salute will be followed shortly and a Bram fest is scheduled to begin this afternoon from 4 to 8.
If you’re in Punta Gorda, you still have time to make it.
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