Posted: Tuesday, July 4, 2017. 2:55 pm CST.
Posted: Tuesday, July 4, 2017. 1:20 p.m. CST.
By BBN Staff: Controversial former Cabinet Minister and businessman, Ralph Fonseca, considered the ultimate achilles-heel of the 1998-2008 Said Musa regime, is back again in the news.
This time it is in relation to the issuance of a Belizean Nationality Certificate to another business man who didn’t qualify for the document and despite being told so, Fonseca still approved the request.
The Amandala Newspaper reported last week that the Special Branch Unit of the Police Department had revealed that Hussein Harmouch had been convicted on October 23, 2002 for operating a “Casa de Cambio”, otherwise known as money changing operation, without a license.
According to the article, the Solicitor General, the Attorney General and even the Cabinet Secretary didn’t support Harmouch’s application for nationality.
The then-Director of Immigration, Jose Carmen Zetina, also did not support his application and had Immigration Officer, Addy Pacheco, write Minister of Home Affairs, Ralph Fonseca, explaining their position.
Despite all these red flags, Fonseca on July 11, 2005 approved the application.
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