Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2019. 3:57 pm CST.
By BBN Staff: San Pedro resident Shaun Dortch has been served with a Notice of Intended Prosecution following a fatal traffic accident on Saturday night.
Around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, police were called out to the scene of an accident between miles 50 and 51 on the Philip Goldson Highway.
There, they saw the body of Excequiel Lopez Leon, 62, a Guatemalan national of Chan Pine Ridge, Orange Walk district.
Authorities also met Shaun Dortch who reported that he was driving his Mazda SUV when he saw a biker who swerved into the middle of the highway causing him to knock down the biker.
The body was transported to the Northern Regional Hospital morgue where it awaits post-mortem examination.
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