Conch Season closes
April 8, 2019
Court of Appeal declines intervention in ICJ referendum case
April 8, 2019

BBN apologizes for erroneous article on Court of Appeal’s position on participation of the press 

Views: 2

Posted: Monday, April 8, 2019. 5:45 pm CST.

By BBN Staff: Breaking Belize News apologizes wholeheartedly and without any reservations for a story posted on our website on Friday entitled “Media barred from injunction court hearing”.

For the record, as soon as our news agency was first notified of the error, we immediately issued a clarification on our website and shared it on our Facebook page. In fact this clarification was issued within two (2) hours of posting the story that made the assumption of the media not being allowed to be in the court session.

At the start of this morning’s hearing, the Court outlined that Friday’s session was a Case Management Conference (CMC) which was not open to the public, including the press. While the clarification issued by BBN provided similar information, the earlier article did not do justice in representing the Court’s position.

In fact the earlier article further imputed improper motives to the Court in accusing it of unnecessary secrecy and non-democratic behavior. In the process, the article brought grave disrepute on the court and exposed it to significant risk of injury and harm.

BBN would also like to profusely apologize to the attorney, Audrey Matura for citing her in our story since we never did an interview with her, or asked permission to quote her, and BBN selectively cited something she had said out of context. In her full explanation, Matura had proceeded to explain the difference between hearing of a case and Case Management Conference (CMC). Matura ended her post by explaining that once it’s a Case Management Conference the media had no right to be in court as that is considered an in-chamber matter, and expressed that someone should have explained that to the media. We deeply regret the harm our article may have caused to Audrey Matura and her reputation and we regret the turn of events, especially that she was called out in court in front of all present without her even knowing she formed part of our story. Our sincerest apology to her.

We acknowledge our clear misunderstanding of Friday’s court events and Matura’s posts, and pledge to correct our error via our media blog and other avenues as the Court sees fit.


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