Posted: Sunday, September 20, 2020. 8:21 pm CST.
By BBN Staff: A total of 167 tests were processed today, the Ministry of Health reports.
Twenty one new cases of COVID-19 were identified.
The breakdown is as follows:
Orange Walk District – 10 (5 in Orange Walk Town, 2 Guinea Grass, 1 San Jose, 1 August Pine Ridge, 1 from Toledo but swabbed/isolated in Orange Walk)
Belize District – 4 (1 in Ladyville, 3 San Pedro)
Cayo District – 5 (3 San Ignacio, 1 Bullet Tree Falls, 1 Santa Familia)
Toledo District – 2 (1 Laguna, 1 Big Falls)
Forty two more patients recovered from the virus.
“Our active cases are now down to 42.3% of the total cases. Our case fatality rate in Belize is currently 1.29%,” The Ministry reported.
Health officials remind the public to take all precautionary measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
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