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Public Service Union expresses concern over rumors of salary cut

Views: 2

Posted: Friday, February 5, 2021. 7:27 pm CST.

By BBN Staff: The Public Service Union (PSU) issued a statement confirming that it was invited to a budget consultation meeting from Government.

“The PSU thanks the Government for taking an inclusive approach in constructing the Budget and looks forward to giving meaningful input on how to assist Government in bridging the long-existing budget deficit. The PSU notes with concern, the rumours circulating on social media of a proposed 15% salary cut purportedly being pushed or recommended by the Belize Business Bureau,” the PSU noted.

In addition, the union says that it rejects any such “highhanded approach and attack” on public officers salary.

The PSU says that it is aware of the financial constraints that the Government faces and is willing to attend the consultation for meaningful, fair, and effective cost-cutting and revenue enhancement measures.

“The PSU approach promises to be one of maturity and soberness, with a view of ensuring that there is a holistic undertaking in addressing the budget deficit. Included in the conversation, must be the issue of revenue enhancement and more specifically the closing of the loopholes that exist in revenue collecting departments such as Customs, Lands, and Tax Services, with a view of ensuring that the private sector contributes its fair pound of flesh where taxes are concerned,” the union added.

The PSU then proposed that the conversation be about an equitable distribution of the tax burden.

The union then called on its members to not pay attention to the rumors and to contact their union branch to keep updated on the unions efforts.


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