Posted: Monday, February 8, 2021. 6:57 pm CST.
By BBN Staff: Today, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) continued its support of Belize’s national COVID-19 response through a donation of medical and personal protective equipment to the Valley of Peace community isolation facility.
The UNHCER donated 20 divider panels, 20-bed sheets and covers, 20 pillows and covers, blankets, towels, hand soaps, hand sanitizer, and other cleaning supplies which the Agency hopes will enhance the access to health services while increasing protection for patients with pre-existing conditions and essential workers.
“These donations will help the community, as many families live in small houses and are in need of separate isolation centers,” said Dr. Candy Azueta, medical officer-in-charge at Valley of Peace Health Centre. “All patients who need treatment at the clinic or isolation facility are welcome.”
The UNHCR noted that the Valley of Peace community has been hosting people forced to flee from their homes since it was founded in 1982. The facility is currently a safe haven for close to 300 asylum seekers, which are about 14% of the community’s overall population. The latest donation supports refugees as well as all residents of the host community in Valley of Peace and follows an earlier donation given in October 2020 of beds and mattresses.
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