Posted: Saturday, February 13, 2021. 2:39 pm CST.
By BBN Staff: The Fisheries Department had initially indicated that the closure of the season for Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) season was February 15.
However, a decision was made by Andre Perez, Minister of the Blue Economy and Civil Aviation to extend that deadline to February 28, 2021.
The Minister says that the decision was made after consultation with the Fisheries Department and the industry, and is in accordance with the Fisheries Regulation 24A (1).
The close season for spiny lobster will now be from March 1st to June 30th in any year.
The changes in the close season for Belize are also in accordance with the harmonized regional lobster regulation (OSP-02-09) implemented by the Organization for Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector (OSPESCA).
Any person found in possession of lobster during the said closed season will be prosecuted in accordance with the Fisheries Regulations, Chapter 210 of the Subsidiary Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2003 and the Fisheries Resources Act No. 7 of 2020.
The Fisheries Department also reminded fishers that lobster traps should be removed from fishing grounds during the closed season.
The Department says that it will be actively enforcing the removal of traps from the waters during this period.
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