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Rangers trained in search and rescue

Views: 4

Posted: Thursday, February 17, 2022. 9:36 pm CST.

By Aaron Humes: The Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations (APAMO) and the Belize Institute of Search and Rescue Training have implemented an intensive and comprehensive search and rescue training program for rangers working with Mayflower Bocawina Environmental and Development Group and the Belize Audubon Society.

The three-level training program begins with enhancing the participant’s medical and technical skills in areas such as Airway Management, Environmental Emergencies, and Patient Packaging. The rangers will advance to the second level after the first has been completed.

The mission of the training program is to build an effective and robust Ranger force. As custodians of Protected Areas, it is critical for Rangers to develop, enhance and sustain the skills needed to save lives, especially in treacherous and remote conditions. This is a major step in ensuring employee and visitor’s safety and security across APAMO-managed Protected Areas.

The organization thanks the very skilled lecturers of BISART for organizing and facilitating this training program: Wendy Garcia, Tactical Operation/SAR Training; Marcos Cucul, Cave and Wilderness Operation/SAR Training; Thomas Rivars, Medical IC/SAR Training; and Jared Martinez, Safety.

The initiative comes out of the November 2021 Rangers forum in response to identified weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities.


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