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October 31, 2022

“Church service to honor Myrna Manzanares part of a larger push for greater visibility,” says National Kriol Council

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Posted: Monday, October 31, 2022. 9:36 am CST.

Photo: National Kriol Council

By Benjamin Flowers: The National Kriol Council (NKC) held a memorial service on Sunday, honoring the life of cultural icon Artist Emeritus Myrna Manzanares; an event the council says is one of several being held under its new push for greater visibility.

The NCK held the service which coincided with Manzanares’ birthday, at All Saints Church in Belize City, where she fellowshipped.

NKC President, Marillyn Gavin, said that the council is working towards its General Assembly in December and that honoring the work that Manzanares has done in the preservation of Kriol culture works in tandem with the council’s new focus on advocacy.

“Our theme is “Wi deh bak schranga [We are back, stronger]” and that’s what we are trying to show people. We were on a lul, but now we’re back, we’re implementing new measures, with new people, new skills.”

Gavin said that recruitment is a central part of the new focus, with new members being asked to share what their skills and aptitudes are, as well as which committee within the council they would want to benefit by utilizing those skills.

The General Assembly is scheduled for December 10.


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