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Body of Randolph Crawford recovered from New River after shootout allegedly related to drugs

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Posted: Saturday, May 6, 2023. 10:06 pm CST.

By Aaron Humes: Tonight, police confirmed that the body of Randolph Crawford, allegedly a participant in a deadly shootout between persons in the vicinity of the Pueblo Viejo Ferry along the Corozal-Sarteneja-Progresso Road on Thursday, has been recovered from the New River.

The body was recovered on Friday night just before midnight, searches having started right after the exchange of gunfire when Crawford jumped into the river trying to get away, only to go down after calling out for help from witnesses. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams confirmed that the body had no signs of violence, consistent with the report that he likely drowned.

Two of Crawford’s compatriots, identified as Stanislaus O’Neal of Belize City and a man known only as “Bam,” were later found injured on the roadside after their vehicle overturned; one was at last report hospitalized in Belize City and the other in Orange Walk Town. Two other persons identified as Benigno Loria and Sergio Hall were reported injured and at last report were hospitalized at Northern Medical Plaza, Orange Walk Town.

Police believe the entire incident may be related to some sort of drug transaction, citing previous attacks on Loria. Investigations continue and an update will be given at Monday’s regular press briefing in Belize City.


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