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International News: Honduran authorities crackdown on gangs inside prisons following deadly prison massacre

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Posted: Tuesday, June 27, 2023. 11:09 am CST.

By Zoila Palma Gonzalez: On Monday, authorities in Honduras commenced a tough anti-gang crackdown inside of prisons.

The move follows last week’s gang-related massacre inside a women’s prison that left 46 inmates dead.

According to the Associated Press, police were also investigating if Saturday’s shooting at a pool hall that killed 11 people was related to the prison massacre.

Reports indicate that officials emptied cell blocks forcing inmates to sit in rows, spread-legged and nestled against one another.

Some were forced to keep their heads bowed and their hands on the back of their necks.

Similar strategies used by Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele in the country’s crackdown against violence gangs.

Honduran police say they have since found hundreds of rounds of ammunition, pistols, assault rifles and grenades inside the prisons.


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