Posted: Friday, November 3, 2023. 9:51 pm CST.
By Aaron Humes: Sandhill village resident James Rhaburn, based in the Conch Shell Bay area of Belize City, has admitted to being illegally in possession of conch during the closed season for the species.
The 50-year-old was charged along with two other men from Belize City after being caught on September 19 along the sea wall behind the Supreme Court Building in Belize City, in a gold Toyota Camry. The closed season for conch runs from July 1 to September 30 inclusive.
Rhaburn was fined $1,000 for the offense and cost of court as well as $3,100 in penalties – $50 per conch.
Rhaburn has until December 29 to pay the fine imposed for the offense, in default, 6 months imprisonment; and until February 29, 2024 to pay the penalty fines, in default distress.
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