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Belize Youth Movement Cayo Central and business community provide food pantry to families in San Ignacio and Santa Elena

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Posted: Saturday, November 11, 2023. 9:51 am CST.

By Zoila Palma Gonzalez: The Belize Youth Movement (BYM) Cayo Central and the business community joined efforts to provide food pantry to families in San Ignacio and Santa Elena.

“The goal of our food pantry program is to encourage our youths to impact the lives of others and support families within the community. I can proudly say that each recipient appreciated our act of kindness and compassion towards them. While some recipients were not home, we handed over the grocery bags to their family members,” BYM President Adrian Palma said.

Palma extended gratitude to Westrac Ltd and Cahal Pech Village Resort for their contribution and support for the pantry initiative.

“I would like to thank Diana Castillo, Westrac’s Marketing Manager and Mr. Dan Silva, owner of Cahal Pech Village Resort for trusting us to carry out this project and believing in our cause to support the fight against poverty,” Palma added.

He also thanked all youth leaders who participated in the initiative and want to make a difference in their community.

The Belize Youth Movement remains committed to advocate for youth involvement, community outreach and change in Belize.


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