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Former employee admits to stealing from ex-boss

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Posted: Wednesday, December 20, 2023. 3:49 pm CST.

By Aaron Humes: A Lord’s Bank man changed his plea on a charge of theft to guilty, admitting that he deliberately stole from his former employer.

Henry Pook, 41, was allegedly caught on surveillance camera stealing tools from inside his boss’s storeroom on Apasote Street, Lords Bank, on October 16.

He apologized and swore to straighten up and fly right if he could avoid jail as he has a sick mother to care for.

The first-time offender was spared from jail with a non-custodial sentence of a fine of $400 plus cost of court due by February 29, 2024 to pay, in default, 3 months’ imprisonment.

The complainant, Lloyd Andrews, a Police Officer of Apasote Street, Lords Bank, reported to police that a man known to him as Henry Pook, aka “90”, entered into his storeroom and stole a number of items after he had left his house to buy food.

But he was caught on surveillance cameras stationed at his residence by Andrews, who noticed that his storeroom door was open.


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