June 8, 2020

British slave trader’s statue dumped during Black Lives Matter protest

In Bristol, United Kingdom over the weekend, protestors toppled the statue of 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston into Bristol Harbour after being dragged from the city [...]
June 8, 2020

The return of Sapote Lagoon

Cane farmer and a standing member of various committees in the Belize Cane Farmers Association, Javier Keme, said the rains from Tropical Storms, Amanda, and Cristobal [...]
June 8, 2020

Tourism Industry Association addresses DFC on lending

DFC has already committed to looking for lines of credit in the Caribbean (Caribbean Development Bank) and Europe (European Investment Bank), per Prime Minister Dean Barrow.
June 8, 2020

“Salary cuts ensure that no one is terminated,” explains Port of Belize

The Port noted that COVID-19 has caused economies worldwide to decline and Belize is no exception, noting that the port has seen considerable reductions in container [...]
June 8, 2020

Tropic Air pressures BTIA to support reopening of International Airport

It is the cruel choice Belize’s most significant industry is being asked to make with everything from cruise ships to hotels and associated lines of work, [...]
June 8, 2020

Santander restarts sugar crop; BSI/ASR awaits word from farmers

Pictures of inundated fields in Corozal and Orange Walk provided by producers - Belize Sugar Industries Limited/American Sugar Refining (BSI/ASR) showed “disaster,” according to one source.
June 8, 2020

Brazilian government under fire for stopping update reports on COVID-19

Medical professionals have all condemned Bolsonaro's decision, stressing that not reporting the data will hinder the national response to the pandemic and cause even more infections [...]
June 8, 2020
Aisha Gentle

Councillor Aisha Gentle: “A lifetime of service”

CONTRIBUTED: American author Tim Fargo once said, “Leadership is service, not position.” Belizeans have seen the truth in Fargo’s words lived out through great patriots such [...]
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