April 6, 2020

Prime Minister promises answers in death of Hubert Pipersburgh

But the Government, he says, elects not to reply out of respect for their grieving process, and will arrange a press conference for the Director of [...]
April 6, 2020

Changes made to opening hours on list of approved and essential businesses

Construction work is no longer approved and must close for the next 14 days in the first instance.
April 6, 2020
dean barrow pm of belize

Prime Minister announces stringent quarantine for Cayo district

During this time, random testing and greater surveillance will be done particularly from the Cayo District.
April 6, 2020

Court conducts hearing for LPG importers by WhatsApp

Attorneys for Gas Tomza, Belize Western Energy and Southern Choice Butane/Zeta Gas, Audrey Matura, Jose Alpuche and Dean Molina, submitted to have the Government injuncted from [...]
April 6, 2020

Police investigate fatal traffic accident in Dangriga

Around 5:40 p.m. authorities responded to a report of a road traffic accident on George Price Drive in Dangriga.
April 6, 2020

Brightest super moon for 2020 visible tomorrow night

It is called a "Pink Moon" not for its colors but because of pink phlox flowers that blossom during the spring-time in the United States.
April 6, 2020

Belize Intellectual Property closes office

Nevertheless, e-filings and any other queries may be sent to the following addresses: [email protected] or [email protected].
April 6, 2020

Nurses Association sounds alarm: ‘Health facilities not prepared to care for staff or patients’

The Nurse association informed that they have done a countrywide tour of the different health facilities.
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