January 15, 2020

Mama Belize introduces new potato chips

The new local brand factory is located in Corozal, Belize and the potato chips are being sold in 3 flavors: Classic Salt, Hot & Cheese with [...]
January 15, 2020

King Sugar is back – industry partners urge unity and cooperation in face of challenges

Smoke was already wafting in the air, the signal that the giant factory was active again and will be for the next six months.
January 15, 2020

Cowpen villager to be charged for wounding officer with a machete 

Farmer Narciso Manzano,67, told police that his son Byron Ramos,26, (whom he has a protection order against) was assaulting his granddaughter and daughter.
January 15, 2020

Kurtis Campbell shot last night in Belize City

About  8:20 pm, Kurtis Campbell was was riding his bicycle on South Creek and upon reaching on Muhammad Ali Street, he noticed a motorcycle was behind [...]
January 15, 2020

Coast Guard receives donation of instruments from Music Ambassador Shyne Barrow

Lt. Lewis and the Coast Guard Cadets were happy to receive snare drums, bass drums & cymbals from Ambassador Barrow for their Youth Cadet Music Program.
January 15, 2020

Briceño to Barrow: “Call names”

Briceño held a press conference at his office on the Philip Goldson Highway, saying that he does not believe the ministers themselves have the integrity to [...]
January 15, 2020

SIRDI to compensate terminated Marcos Osorio

The former director of the Sugar Industry Research and Development Institute was released with a year to go on his contract last December.
January 15, 2020

Opposition Leader to host press conference this morning

While it wasn’t revealed specifically what the press conference is about, it is highly speculated that the party leader will discuss the accusations made against Government [...]
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