August 6, 2019

Court to rule on Zabaneh land filling case

The mother and son own parcel 4670 on Seashore Drive in Buttonwood Bay and were filling it in when in January, the Department of the Environment [...]
August 6, 2019

Man slapped with $2,500 fine for faking robbery, stealing company money

San Jose Succotz, Cayo district resident Saul Perez, now former Assistant Quarantine Officer with the Belize office of the International Regional Agency for Agricultural Health (OIRSA, [...]
August 6, 2019

Local hero saves persons from drowning

Two women were trapped inside the red SUV and a good Samaritan dashed into the water to save them. With additional assistance, they were able to [...]
August 6, 2019

“Sunny skies for today,” says Met Office

The weather for today calls for mostly sunny skies today with partially cloudy skies tonight, along with a few showers and isolated thunderstorms over the extreme [...]
August 6, 2019

Tourism minister asks public to cooperate with new water taxi regulations

The new regulations, which came through Water Taxi Regulations Statutory Instrument 29 of 2019 are being introduced in two phases,
August 5, 2019

UNICEF salutes Belize during World Breastfeeding Week

By BBN Staff: As World Breast Feeding Week (August 1-7) comes to a close, the United Nations Children's fund saluted Belize today, for allowing women time off [...]
August 5, 2019

Ministry of Finance announces changes in fuel prices

The prices for premium gasoline will register increase and kerosene will register decrease as follows:
August 5, 2019

July 2019 was the hottest month ever

The C3S said that the month marginally beat out the month that previously held the record, July 2016, by 0.04 degrees Celsius (0.072 Fahrenheit) but also [...]
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