July 3, 2019

Governor General and Attorney General visit Taipei, Taiwan

As part of their visit, they met with Taiwan’s President, Tsai Ing-Wen who stated that Taiwan and Belize are working hand in hand to deepen exchanges [...]
July 3, 2019

Ministry of Agriculture encourages public to support local onion farmers

During this assessment, three major onion-producing communities were visited, namely, Maskall village in the Belize District and the Little Belize and Neuland settlements in the Corozal [...]
July 3, 2019

Smart hosts 2019 Stars Football Summer Camp

Registration is free and will be held on Monday, July 8, 2019, at 8:30 am at the MCC Grounds in Belize City.
July 3, 2019

Medfly detected in Belize

Medflies are introduced into Belize when people intentionally or unintentionally illegally bring fruits and vegetables that are host to this pest.
July 3, 2019

“No scratch tickets for minors,” says NCFC

The NCFC issued a statement, reminding business owners that selling games of chance to minors is prohibited by law under Section 14 of the Lotteries Act [...]
July 3, 2019

National Committee for Families and Children applauds the police for traffic violation crackdown

The NCFC noted there have been several motorcycle accidents this year, and many of them involved cyclists who were not adhering to safety regulations.
July 3, 2019

First major hurricane of 2019 is a Category 4

On Tuesday morning, Tropical Storm Barbara transformed into a massive Category 4 hurricane within a 24-hour span, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [...]
July 3, 2019

Shop keeper fires shots at armed robbers

When investigators visited the shop they spoke to Quing Jie Zhe, who reported that he was inside his shop when two men entered.
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