June 19, 2018
donald trump

US withdraws from UN Human Rights Council

By BBN Staff:  In an alarming move, the United States of America has withdrawn from the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council.
June 19, 2018

Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute to commemorate 20th anniversary in Belize on Thursday

By BBN Staff:  The Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute (CZMAI) will commemorate its 20th anniversary of service to Belize under the theme: “Celebrating 20 years of [...]
June 19, 2018

19 community workers trained in youth conflict mediation

By BBN Staff: Youth conflict mediation is crucial to any community, therefore, the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation, and Poverty Alleviation and RESTORE Belize came together [...]
June 19, 2018

Ministry of National Security holds crime prevention meeting in Albert Constituency

By BBN Staff:  The Ministry of National Security and the Belize Police Department hosted a joint meeting today for the business community in the Albert Division of [...]
June 19, 2018

Special Envoy for Women and Children urges parents to be more vigilant with kids

By BBN Staff: Today, the Special Envoy for Women and Children,  Kim Simplis Barrow issued a statement expressing sadness for the recent incidences of violence against children.
June 19, 2018

Man found guilty of murdering 11-year-old boy

By BBN Staff:  
June 19, 2018

Man detained by cops for robbing supermarket at knifepoint

By BBN Staff:  A Belize City man is in police custody after he robbed a Chinese grocer in broad daylight today.
June 19, 2018

Corozal police constable found dead behind police station

By BBN Staff: Police constable, Mitchell Cob, was found dead on the Corozal police station compound on Sunday after 10:00 p.m., by other officers patrolling the [...]
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