By BBN Staff: Representatives from Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) are in the Dominican Republic participating in a three-day regional meeting of Micro, Small, [...]
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued a release today informing that since 2000, the use of Tobacco has declined markedly both globally and in the [...]
The Government of Mexico issued a statement this morning saying that it will impose taxes on items such as flat steel (hot and cold foil, including [...]
By BBN Staff: The public is advised that the following persons are no longer employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Lands and Surveys Department, and [...]
By BBN Staff:Â Â Thirty seven year old Belizean Electrician, Anthony Bennett, of Mahogany Street in Belize City, was arrested and charged today for the murder of 30 [...]