April 23, 2021

No leads in the murder investigation of Kevaughn Wade

Kevaughn Wade was sitting on a veranda at a house near the entrance of Punta Gorda Town around 7:45 p.m., when someone in all black came [...]
April 23, 2021

Police officer knocked down off his motorcycle

Reports are that sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., PC Edison Castillo, who is attached to the Sandhill Police Station, was on motorcycle patrol near Mile [...]
April 23, 2021

Signed and ratified UNCAC must be supported by legislation, says A.G.

Now, says Attorney General Magali Marin-Young, it is time to implement legislative measures that will satisfy its implementation.
April 23, 2021

Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital staff exempt from 10 percent salary cut

Andrew Baird, Union Representative for the KHMH Workers Union explained that when the union met with GOB earlier this week, they were told that KHMH staff [...]
April 23, 2021

A.G. on reforms: “Prime Minister [John] Briceño is committed”

But that agenda has already begun, according to Attorney General Magali Marin-Young, whose Ministry is working with Henry Charles Usher’s Ministry of the Public Service, Political [...]
April 23, 2021

Belize one of two countries not on US ‘do not travel’ list for COVID-19 risk

Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases, the US continues to monitor the situation and warns its citizens to not travel to 150 destinations.
April 23, 2021

Attorney General says Government has constitutional right to fix salaries for Public Service, with consultation

That is a legal opinion by no less than the country’s top legal eagle, Attorney General Magali Marin-Young, who cited section 106(3)(c) which reads as follows:
April 23, 2021

Pfizer says fake versions of COVID-19 vaccine found in Poland and Mexico

The phony vaccines were seized by local authorities in the countries and confirmed to be fake.
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