April 20, 2021

Santa Elena duo charged for robbery at Cayo Television Network office

Ramos was charged for robbery and Reyes was charged for conspiracy to commit robbery.
April 20, 2021

Guatemalan President says COVAX is a ‘failure’

Giammattei says that he has written to COVAX to protest their irresponsibility in the distributions of the vaccines.
April 20, 2021

UNICEF reports rise in migrant children in Mexico

In Mexican shelters, children make up 30% of the populations. These include children from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico.
April 20, 2021

United Nations launches $30 million Global Appeal Fund in aid of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Trebucq, who was on tour of the Windward side of St. Vincent with Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, said the entire UN system was being mobilized to [...]
April 20, 2021

UDP mourns passing of Net Vasquez

“ He was one of the founders of the UDP and a trustee of the party. Along with former Prime Minister Sir Manuel Esquivel and other [...]
April 20, 2021
covid19 vaccines

Argentina receives 2nd batch of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from COVAX

The country had already received 218,000 doses in March through the World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVAX facility.
April 20, 2021

World Health Organization Chief says world can bring COVID-19 pandemic under control soon

Ghebreyesus says that once the resources are distributed fairly, the COVID-19 pandemic can be held under control.
April 20, 2021

Ambassador Doctor Candice Pitts presents diplomatic credentials to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen

The Embassy of Belize in Taiwan said on a social media post that “during the presentation, President Tsai Ing-Wen and Ambassador, Pitts celebrated the near 32 [...]
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