April 8, 2021

As illegal migrants flock to the United States, US Border Patrol agent finds young Nicaraguan boy abandoned by other migrants

Nowadays, well, … for a very long while now, it’s migrants from all over who have been crossing into the United States, many of them through [...]
April 8, 2021

Over 800,000 COVID-19 deaths reported in Latin America and the Caribbean

According to Pressenza, in Latin America and the Caribbean, there have been 800,099 COVID-19 deaths and over 25.3 million infections.
April 8, 2021

Ride-sharing giant, Uber will soon be operating in Jamaica

The Uber app connects travelers that want to move around at a destination with someone who is ready to lease their vehicle and drive.
April 8, 2021

Canada’s Health Minister says it is not time for travel

The country’s travel restrictions are set to expire on April 21, CIC News reports.
April 8, 2021

Nurse allegedly “vaccinates” elderly woman with empty syringe in Mexico

The news was made viral by social media users who posted the video to denounce the incident.
April 8, 2021

Building manager responds to concerns over government office space in Dangriga, claims accusations are political

Elvis Zabaneh, who manages the building on behalf of Emilio Zabaneh Sr., alleged that the letter sent to the Ministry of the Public Service (MOPS) highlighting [...]
April 8, 2021

“You have to produce what you eat and eat what you produce,” Minister of Agriculture Abelardo Mai says as Ministry starts distribution of 18,000 vegetable seedlings

On Wednesday, Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, along with Fermin Blanco, OIRSA country representative, visited the Ministry’s nursery in Central Farm [...]
April 8, 2021

First lung transplant from live donors done in Japan

The woman reportedly developed pneumonia after falling ill from COVID-19 late last year and had to be put on mechanical respiration.
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