March 26, 2021

Belizean cyclists disqualified along with 100 other riders in Stage 1 of Panama race

Hao Chen Lee, coordinator of the Belizean trio, said they were put out by a spill and never made the front pack.
March 26, 2021

Mexican pilot drug trafficking case adjourned, prosecution was unprepared

 The Court rescheduled Meseguer's case for Tuesday, March 30.
March 26, 2021

Canada, Curacao, Trinidad and Tobago win big in World Cup qualifiers Day 2

Panama was rather ineffective against the visiting Barbados side until the 82nd minute when Jaír Cathy converted off a diving header.The 1-0 win is good enough [...]
March 26, 2021

Tourism Ministry COVID-19 vaccine survey closes today

The call of interest is for Tourism Frontline Workers who wish to be considered for COVID-19 vaccines as a part of the Government of Belize’s Vaccination [...]
March 26, 2021

Almost 20,000 people in Belize have received their first AstraZeneca shot

As the COVID-19 vaccination campaign continues countrywide, 19,262 people in Belize have been vaccinated.
March 26, 2021

Weather: Seasonal conditions continue – hot, dry, windy

Skies continue to be sunny in the daytime, clear to partly cloudy tonight and not a drop of rain in sight for at least the next [...]
March 25, 2021

Park Rangers sworn in as special constables

On Wednesday the rangers had their graduation ceremony at the Shipstern Nature Reserve in Sarteneja Village, Corozal District, where they met with the Minister of Sustainable [...]
March 25, 2021

Government launches new phase of vaccination, calling group 2A

Under the national roll-out priority list, Group 2A is made up of teachers and public officers. The Ministry of Health and Wellness said that vaccination for [...]
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