March 23, 2021

Ministry of Health calls on caregivers of the elderly to bring them in for COVID-19 vaccines

Today, Dr. Natalia Beer, a member National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG), explained that the MOHW is seeking to vaccinate some 25,000 older persons as one [...]
March 23, 2021

Police officer charged with wounding escaping detainee

According to police, 26-year-old Ryan Foster, being held for theft, saw his chance when the officer guarding him took him outside to wash his hands. He [...]
March 23, 2021

Ex-whistleblower Delroy Herrera challenges trade unions, civil society

He says the unions - the Public Service Union, Belize National Teachers Union and Association of Public Senior Managers - have misrepresented the situation as a [...]
March 23, 2021

Government says Chief Transport Officer requested early retirement

The Ministry says that there are no other grounds in reference to his early retirement as had been posted on a Facebook page on Monday.
March 23, 2021

Image Factory shares story of last alcalde of San Jose Yalbac 

There it was that the Image Factory Art Foundation launched the book “Maximo: the Last Alcalde of San Jose Yalbac,” co-authored by Carmen Carrillo and Delmer Tzib, [...]
March 23, 2021
covid19 vaccines

AstraZeneca to publish more vaccine trial data as US health agency raises questions

The Financial Times report that the institute is concerned that AstraZeneca may have included outdated information from that trial which could have provided an incomplete view [...]
March 23, 2021

Over 16,000 people in Belize have received their first AstraZeneca shot

The latest statistics indicate that 16,202 people have been vaccinated in Belize.
March 23, 2021

Belize commemorates International Forests Day

In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21st as International Day of Forests with the objective to raise awareness on the importance of all [...]
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