Today, Dr. Natalia Beer, a member National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG), explained that the MOHW is seeking to vaccinate some 25,000 older persons as one [...]
According to police, 26-year-old Ryan Foster, being held for theft, saw his chance when the officer guarding him took him outside to wash his hands. He [...]
He says the unions - the Public Service Union, Belize National Teachers Union and Association of Public Senior Managers - have misrepresented the situation as a [...]
There it was that the Image Factory Art Foundation launched the book “Maximo: the Last Alcalde of San Jose Yalbac,” co-authored by Carmen Carrillo and Delmer Tzib, [...]
The Financial Times report that the institute is concerned that AstraZeneca may have included outdated information from that trial which could have provided an incomplete view [...]
In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21st as International Day of Forests with the objective to raise awareness on the importance of all [...]