February 22, 2021

Dolphin Drive residents blindsided by land deal for boat launch area; obstructions now removed 

By Aaron Humes: “This has to be overturned, one way or another. And I am talking in the very least short term, this must be removed [...]
February 22, 2021

U.S. sees opportunity as China steps back from aid to Latin America

February 22, 2021

U.S. records over half a million COVID-19 deaths

Statistics from Worldometer indicate that the United States has registered 28,782,924 COVID-19 cases and 511,632 deaths.
February 22, 2021

POINT AND COUNTER-POINT: Has Sankat abandoned his post as President of the University of Belize?

By Dorian Barrow, PhD, Florida State University: A while back I started a free-lance column, Point and Counter-Point, the aim of which was to provoke a [...]
February 22, 2021

Contractor General assaulted and robbed in home invasion, stolen vehicles sighted headed into Guatemala

Mitchelle, who lives on the Benque Viejo Road in San Ignacio, told police he responded to the sound of his dog barking and when he exited [...]
February 22, 2021

Over one-hundred Boeing 777 airplanes suspended after engine failure on Denver flight

Following the incident, Boeing issued a recommendation that 128 planes utilizing a specific engine model be grounded until thorough inspections can be conducted.
February 22, 2021

BREAKING: Company which bought community area in West Landivar to remove obstruction after Minister gets involved

But of more immediate concern is the removal of a series of stone "pillows" and what appear to be posts that block a long-established boat launch [...]
February 22, 2021

CARICOM congratulates St. Lucia on 42nd Independence Anniversary

Saint Lucia is celebrating its Independence on February 22, 2021 under the theme “A Resilient Nation. We can, we will.”
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