February 13, 2021

Said Musa writes Joe Biden to end Cuba embargo, terrorism sanction

Since 1959, when the late Fidel Castro took over government by revolution from Fulgencio Batista, the U.S. has imposed an economic embargo against the island, briefly [...]
February 13, 2021

Deadline for closure of lobster season extended

However, a decision was made by Andre Perez, Minister of the Blue Economy and Civil Aviation to extend that deadline to February 28, 2021.  
February 13, 2021

CARICOM thanks Barbados Prime Minister for COVID-19 vaccines

PM Mottley directed that 100 doses of the batch she donated to Guyana be provided to the staff of the Secretariat based at the headquarters of [...]
February 13, 2021

18-wheel truck carrying barge overturns on Philip Goldson Highway, backs up traffic

Apparently, an 18-wheel truck carrying a barge overturned across the road as it was attempting to back into a property on the right side of the [...]
February 13, 2021

Belize’s COVID-19 recovery rate is at 95%

While the number of confirmed cases continue to rise, the recovery rate in Belize is at 95%.
February 13, 2021

Oxford to test AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on children

300 volunteers between 6 and 17 are being sought, of which 240 will receive the vaccine and the others a control meningitis inoculation. According to chief [...]
February 13, 2021

White House suspends aide for ‘threatening reporter’

T.J. Ducklo, 32, deputy to press secretary Jen Psaki, allegedly called Politico reporter Tara Palmeri and said, “I will destroy you,” among other derogatory and misogynistic [...]
February 13, 2021

Canadian Prime Minister pledges increase in COVID-19 vaccines

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau pledged an "enormous increase" in doses of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
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