February 9, 2021

Maya exhibit featuring artifacts from Belize moves to Atlanta

The exhibition design was led by the Science Museum of Minnesota, in partnership with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the Museum of Science, Boston, [...]
February 9, 2021

Ministry of Public Service to host 1st ever virtual clerical certificate ceremony

The ceremony will air at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2021, on the Government of Belize Press Office Facebook page, the Ministry of the Public [...]
February 9, 2021

Minister of Public Utilities tours American Sugar Refining facilities

The Ministry says that the purpose of the tour was to get first-hand knowledge of the sugar industry and accompanying electricity generation facility from bagasse.
February 9, 2021

Maya Leaders Alliance: “Lisel Alamilla has no authority over land in Indian Creek”

The MLA issued a statement today, that, Alamilla is now a land agent working with the conservation organization Flora and Fauna International, in the request for [...]
February 9, 2021
covid19 test

Amid concerns, Ministry of Health says Belize has options with Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

It has been pointed out that Belize has a sizable population of aging persons, particularly ex-pats, who want to be vaccinated and have varying health problems, [...]
February 9, 2021

Melchor residents plan protest, call for re-opening of border with Belize

The residents are protesting and demanding the re-opening of the border with Belize.
February 9, 2021

Deadline for submissions of forest license applications is February 15

In addition, the deadline for the submission of private forest permits is March 1, 2021.
February 9, 2021

Three masked men steal 2017 Toyota Hilux on El Pilar Road

Mauricio Alvarado, 39, told police that around 2:30 p.m. yesterday he was driving a 2017 Toyota Hilux on the El Pilar road in Bullet Tree when [...]
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