January 19, 2021

Travelers destined for U.S.A will be able to take COVID-19 tests at Central Medical Region

The CDC says that all air passengers are required to get a viral test (a test for current infection) within the 3 days before their flight [...]
January 19, 2021

Plea for at-risk persons with COVID-19 to use monoclonal antibodies 

But as NBC News’ Erika Edwards reports, a lack of time, resources and awareness has combined to stall efforts to put the solution to greater use.
January 19, 2021

World Health Organization calls on all countries to commence vaccination within 100 days

WHO officials said that the program can begin with health workers and high-risk groups.
January 19, 2021
belize first governor general

National mourning in honor of Belize’s 1st Governor General continues with procession

This morning, a Cortège (Procession) is being held in Belize City.
January 19, 2021

UNICEF to hand over recreational kits to Belize City Council

Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) are widely used in emergencies as a first response to children’s needs and an entry point for working with affected communities.
January 19, 2021

Eight p.m. curfew remains in place; UDP asks to reconsider

But the United Democratic Party (UDP) has questioned the very constitutionality of the curfew, which ordinarily would be instituted as part of a national or regional [...]
January 19, 2021

Weather: Cloudy skies, showery weather entering midweek

Winds are from the east to northeast at 10 to 20 knots and gusty; sea state is moderate to rough. Operators of small crafts are advised [...]
January 19, 2021

80 persons fired from working at bus terminals; no reasons given

One of the letters issued to the workers we have seen in social media seems sterile in form. It indicates that the worker’s services are no [...]
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