Eriksen was at the hospital since Saturday, June 12, after collapsing due to a cardiac arrest during the game Denmark were playing against Finland in the [...]
The NSC announcement came shortly after the Cycling Federation of Belize (CFB) announced that Williams “is now eligible to compete in our National Championships and for [...]
“The stitches in my elbow set flush in the TT bars. That coupled with the shoulder injury...pain galore,” she said last Sunday after losing her Time [...]
Members of the board include President Alobi Young, Vice President Gale Quiroz, Treasurer Andrea August, Membership Officer Philip Codd Jr. and Secretary Cindy Espinal.
Present at the handing over was the Minister of Health and Wellness, Michel Chebat, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Deysi Mendez, Southern Health Region Regional Manager, Dr. [...]
Forty-four-year-old, Jose Nelson Mejia, appeared unrepresented before Magistrate, Audrey Grinage, answering to a single charge of allowing a person to be in his establishment without a [...]