December 4, 2020

Is $1,000 a month telephone allowance too much for Ministers and Ministers of State?

The memo says Ministers will be paid $81,000 annually each, or $6,750 per month. They will also get allowances for housing and entertainment of $19,200, and [...]
December 4, 2020

Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in Small Island event marking 30th anniversary

The event held on December 3, 2020, marked the 30th anniversary of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), which Belize is presently chairing. 
December 4, 2020

United States reports a record 2,800 deaths in 1 day

In April, the US reported over 2,600 deaths during the first COVID-19 phase, CNBC reports.
December 4, 2020

Government announces big change to judiciary – judges must deliver judgments within a time limit

GOB noted that the practice is already in place throughout the region, and will be implemented alongside measures to improve the infrastructure that judges operate and, [...]
December 4, 2020

My Country called

By Valentino Shal: I still vividly remember, at about the age of 10, I went to school at the start of the new school year with [...]
December 4, 2020

Once in a lifetime event: Jupiter and Saturn close enough for “double planet” view

On December 21, the plantest will be just within 0.1 degrees apart, which is less than the diameter of a full moon. While alignment between these [...]
December 4, 2020

Belize Tourism Industry Association celebrates 35th AGM virtually

 The AGM began with outgoing President Melanie Paz presenting the highlights of the targeted accomplishments for 2019/20 to members and guests. 
December 4, 2020

Public Service Union agrees to join asset sale investigation 

The Ministry, represented by Minister Henry Charles Usher and CEO Dr. Osmond Martinez, and the Union, represented by President Gerald Henry, Vice President Dean Flowers, and [...]
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