November 5, 2020

NEMO: Flood warning remains in effect for Belize: Provides contacts for emergency coordinators

There is a particular concern for the Belize, Cayo, Stann Creek, and Toledo Districts. As such, the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) warns the public to [...]
November 5, 2020

Tropical Depression Eta producing torrential rains over parts of Central America

Eta is expected to move over the Caribbean Sea tomorrow.
November 5, 2020

Heavy rains and flooding hit large parts of western Belize

Photos and videos shared this morning with our newsroom showed that water levels at the Macal River in San Ignacio continue to rise. Businesses near the [...]
November 5, 2020

Belize Met Service: Unstable weather continues

The 24-hour forecast calls for cloudy to overcast skies with frequent outbreaks of showers, periods of rain, and thunderstorms.
November 5, 2020

Kevin Bernard-More Work…Less Talk

Paid Contribution: In his third term as Mayor of Orange Walk Town, Kevin Bernard has been hailed as the best Mayor in the country, based on [...]
November 4, 2020

COVID-19 Update: 115 new cases identified

A total of 388 tests were processed. The positivity rate of cases is now at 29.6%.
November 4, 2020

Powerful Hurricane Eta ravages through Nicaragua and Honduras

As of today, Eta was downgraded to a Tropical Deptression. However, forecasters are keeping a close eye on Eta since it can re-strenghten after entering the [...]
November 4, 2020
american airlines

American Airlines expands preflight testing program to Belize

LetsGetChecked offers a convenient at-home testing option that includes observation by a medical professional via virtual visit. Results can be expected in 48 hours on average, [...]
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