October 23, 2020

Prime Ministerial debate tackles economic, sustainable, national development 

A moderator to be announced will guide debate on topics of economic, sustainable, and national development, with questions taken from established organizations, the parties themselves, and [...]
October 23, 2020

COVID-19: Are we any closer to a vaccine? 

On Monday, according to Boston.com, Stéphane Bancel, the CEO of Cambridge-based biotech company Moderna, told the Wall Street Journal that the US government could approve its vaccine for emergency use in [...]
October 23, 2020

ICE detainee said Belizean cellmate ‘slid his hand down his pants’

Among those calls was one of J. Lee who said that he woke up to find his Belizean cellmate sliding a hand down his pants.
October 23, 2020

Belize nears 3000 confirmed cases of COVID-19

As of October 22, 2020, the country had registered 2,995 confirmed cases of the virus. Of those confirmed cases, 1,375 are females and 1,620 are males.
October 23, 2020
udp vs pup politics in belize

Eighty-eight Belizeans nominated for political office heading into general elections

The major political parties, UDP and PUP each nominated their 31 candidates.
October 23, 2020

Texas billionaire admits to tax fraud using Trust formed in Belize

The illegal scheme reportedly used offshore banks for 15 years. Robert Smith failed to report over $200 million of income.
October 23, 2020

CORONAVIRUS: Three Important Things You Must Know   

Paid contribution: COVID-19 has taken over the world. People who were completely healthy just days ago are dead today. Washing your hands, wearing a mask, and [...]
October 23, 2020

The PUP’s #planBelize – signed, sealed, delivered?

But the whole thing is now out – except for the tourism portfolio to be announced next week – and as their candidates did in 1998, [...]
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