September 4, 2020

Indiana Chamber of Commerce places Belize on list of 50 places for ex-pats to consider spending retirement

GFW's Business Weekly column published an article this week titled "What retirement is like in 50 places around the world," which noted that the average American [...]
September 4, 2020

Port Authority: Port of Belize cleared to re-open

The BPA has issued an order for the PBL to cease operations due to the approach of Hurricane Nana which hit Belize on Wednesday night.
September 4, 2020

More questions than answers in Freetown fire

Reports are that the green building was seen completely engulfed in flames around 1:30 a.m. and Belize Fire Services personnel were called to the scene.
September 4, 2020

Farmers asked to update contact information in Agriculture Information System

Farmers can call the office numbers to update their information:
September 4, 2020

Search launched for missing police officer in Machakilha, Toledo

Ical went missing on Wednesday in the Machakilha area of Toledo.
September 4, 2020

Belmopan Area Representative John Saldivar urges developer of unlicensed market project to respect City Council regulations

By BBN Staff: Following a heated exchange between police and vendors this morning, Belmopan Area Representative John Saldivar, made a statement this morning calling on the [...]
September 4, 2020

Two-hundred-fifty-five people have recovered from COVID-19 in Belize

As of today, the country has registered 1,118 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
September 4, 2020

Belize Electricity Limited restores power in Stann Creek District

“Power supply has been restored to most customers in the Stann Creek District where the majority of the damages were sustained to the power system, following [...]
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