August 22, 2020

Attorney General provides restrictions on sports, social events, bars, restaurants and other businesses

The A.G. advised organizations and churches to be creative and employ technology while pointing out violations among some churches. One church in San Pedro Town was [...]
August 22, 2020

Uniform 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew takes effect on Sunday

On Sunday, that time moves up to 9 p.m., seven days a week, up to September 4, 2020.
August 22, 2020

A.G.: Regulations are “one step forward, two steps backward”

Last week, he had to announce a reversal of part of the regulations and tonight establishes more rollbacks.
August 22, 2020

Football Federation election: Peyreffite details decision to move Congress to Belmopan

Peyrefitte said he had spoken to outgoing President Sergio Chuc on Friday and to Prime Minister Dean Barrow before Friday's press conference where the PM made [...]
August 22, 2020

ASK THE EXPERTS PRIMETIME: Attorney General returns for discussion of latest tightening of State of Emergency regulations

The revised regulations are due to take effect very early on Sunday, including a uniform 9 p.m. curfew time and bans on certain non-essential activities including [...]
August 22, 2020

Can small/medium-sized businesses survive the COVID-19 economic recession?

Many local businesses are striving to survive and keep income flowing for salaries and bills.
August 22, 2020

Sixth death associated to COVID-19 in Belize

“The (GeneXpert) platform had picked up a case in someone who died with liver complications but was diagnosed with COVID-19, we will be classifying further as [...]
August 22, 2020

618 active cases of COVID-19 in Belize

The country has now registered 668 confirmed cases of the virus.
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