July 5, 2021

Eric Heusner wins San Ignacio & Santa Elena’s Sunday cycling race

The race organized by Shannon Black went 12 laps on a 3.8-mile course starting by Matus Autoparts in Santa Elena to the intersection near Sacred Heart [...]
July 5, 2021

Belize sends congratulations on 210th anniversary of independence of Venezuela

Venezuela left the Spanish Empire 210 years ago and in the last few decades or so has turned to a socialist outlook under Presidents Hugo Chavez [...]
July 5, 2021

Happy CARICOM day!

July 4th was commemorated as CARICOM Day. CARICOM day came into effect on July 4, 1973 with the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas by Prime Ministers [...]
July 5, 2021
dean barrow pm of belize

Ex-P.M. Barrow raises alarm over 11th Amendment: “Don’t put anything past this Government”

Former Prime Minister Dean Barrow, whose son is now-Leader of the Opposition in the House Moses “Shyne” Barrow, called in to United Democratic Party radio station [...]
July 5, 2021

Five quick facts about the Delta variant of COVID-19

However, health experts have indicated that the Delta variant poses a threat to global immunity.
July 5, 2021

Ana López wins Belize Audubon Society Trailblazer 5K in 30:57.4

The race was run together with the men’s 5K starting at 6:30 am on the Jungle and Lowland Trails at the Blue Hole National Park Visitor [...]
July 5, 2021

Victor Figueroa wins Belize Audubon Society Trailblazer 5K in 27 minutes, 8.3 seconds

Figueroa, who is from San Ignacio, won by 1 minute and 53.9 seconds.
July 5, 2021

El Salvador receives 1.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine from the US

“The United States will continue to deliver vaccine doses to the world to help save lives and rebuild the global economy,” a statement from the US [...]
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