August 4, 2020

130 samples being processed today as part of COVID-19 contact tracing exercise

Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero said that not all the samples are from contact tracing in Orange Walk.
August 4, 2020

“Associate degree level required for home schooling,” says Ministry of Education

On today's session of Ask the Experts, Chief Education Officer Dr. Carol Babb said that the Ministry is aware that some parents are fearful of sending [...]
August 4, 2020

Schools will be able to reopen safely on August 10 says Ministry of Education

Babb noted that businesses and institutions such as Belize Electricity Limited, the Lord Ashcroft COVID-19 Relief Foundation, and the Social Security Board have  donated thousands of [...]
August 4, 2020

Punta Gorda to get synthetic five-a-side football turf

The pitch will be a synthetic one and will be the first ever synthetic turf in Punta Gorda. According to the Punta Gorda Town Council, work [...]
August 4, 2020

Dozens of peccaries found dead near Maya Center Village

By BBN Staff: Our colleagues at PGTV reported that on Sunday, residents noted dozens of dead peccaries near Maya Center Village in Stann Creek.
August 4, 2020

PUP leader suspends countrywide tour due to COVID-19

But, Briceno informed on August 3, 2020 that he is suspending the tour.
August 4, 2020

Health officials say opening of school is imminent

Health officials informed that the public must get used to the new norm of wearing their face masks and social distancing.
August 4, 2020

Former Foreign Ministers press PM to condemn violence against Garinagu in Honduras

Former Prime Minister Said Musa; Ambassador Assad Shoman; and Senior  Counsels Eamon Courtenay, Godfrey Smith and Lisa Shoman say they were alerted by the NGC of [...]
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