July 29, 2020

Senator Mark Lizarraga raises concerns about political interference in food assistance programs

He questioned: "How do people get on the list for assistance?
July 29, 2020

Senator Mark Lizarraga calls for transparency among assistance programs

Lizarraga said that the OPEC loan is for increasing the coverage of the food assistance program which will benefit the Belizean people.
July 29, 2020

Senate debates $10 million loan for COVID-19 Food Assistance Program

At the house meeting last week, Minister for Human Development Anthony Martinez explained that in addition to the extension of the Program, the BOOST cash transfer [...]
July 29, 2020

Sitting of senate opens with moment of silence for fallen business people

During her prayer, Senator Bennett asked for guidance on Belize’s leaders. Senator Bennett then requested a moment of silence for all business people that have been [...]
July 29, 2020
dean barrow pm of belize

Government of Belize launches special loan programme for tourism sector

Prime Minister Dean Barrow announced the rollout of the special loans program today at a virtual press conference held in collaboration with the Development Finance Corporation [...]
July 29, 2020

Phased repatriation process continues

As of July 28, 2020, there were 1,186 applicants.
July 29, 2020

“Mason Five” to learn their fates today

This morning the alleged ringleader, William "Danny" Mason, will take his turn before Justice Antoinette Moore.
July 29, 2020

India donates medical aid worth US $127,000 to Belize

India's Ministry of External Affairs is executing this outreach by providing COVID-related medical aid in the form of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets, other essential drugs, testing kits, [...]
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