June 9, 2021

UDP ferment: Party insiders plot Faber’s downfall as House Opposition Leader

Though that position and the position of leadership of the UDP are practically coterminous, as according to the Constitution the former requires the support of those [...]
June 9, 2021

Bail hearing resumes today for Jasmine Hartin

Hartin is accused of causing the death of Police Superintendent Henry Jemmott by shooting on May 28 in San Pedro Town.
June 9, 2021

New study says deforestation has darkened coastal waters of Belize

According to the report, experts have linked the clearing of tropical forest to the darker waters off the coast of Belize.
June 9, 2021

Salary cut official: Regulations for 3-year cut in salaries and allowances Gazetted

These were Gazetted on June 2 and are effective from June 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024.
June 9, 2021

Shaun Gill, Hilary Gladden lead Belizean athletic contingent to Querétaro, Mexico on Thursday in their quest to qualify to the Tokyo Olympics

“We’re sending a team to the Mexico Senior National Championships in Querétaro, Mexico from the 11th to the 13th,” said BAA president Deon Sutherland who had initially [...]
June 9, 2021

San Pedro Town Council to repair dilapidated Sir Barry Bowen Bridge

The Town Council notes that traffic will be diverted to one-side of the bridge.
June 9, 2021

Cayo farmer investigates mysterious fire on his farm, finds burning dead body

Sherlock Gentle, 47, told police that on Monday, he saw a large fire towards the back of his farm in Esperanza Village. He said that he [...]
June 9, 2021

Santa Elena firefighter missing since Monday

Clara says that Jones hasn’t been seen since Monday around 3 p.m.
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