July 9, 2020

Belize to receive US $97,000 for complementary climate funding

The EnGenDER project has approved Belize’s application to the “Offer of Complementary Funding to Government of Belize” of up to US $97,400 to implement climate resilience [...]
July 9, 2020

Police Department honors outstanding officers of Precinct 4

For security reasons, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams requested that the names and faces of the officers who were a part of the bank robbery operation [...]
July 9, 2020

Nominate your Ocean Hero today

Every year, Oceana recognizes individuals who exemplify this heroic spirit.  They are continually impressed and inspired by the work of all of their incredible nominees and [...]
July 9, 2020

Danny Mason case adjourned until Monday

Shortly after being called in, Justice Antoinette Moore adjourned the case until Monday.
July 9, 2020

For the sake of Belize & the UDP, I support Patrick Faber for leader!

Contributed by Shyne Barrow: My decision to support Patrick J Faber to lead the UDP into the general elections was not taken lightly, it was made [...]
July 9, 2020

University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union prepare brief demonstration

While President Clement Sankat has claimed that relevant information is available and the Union is welcome at the negotiating table, the Union wants specifics.
July 9, 2020

“Meeting global HIV response targets unlikely,” says Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

The report, titled "Seizing the moment," said that the 90-90-90 goals (90 percent of positive persons receiving treatment; and 90 percent of persons on treatment adhering [...]
July 9, 2020

Department of Environment advises of renewal of Effluent License

A valid license to discharge effluent is required to comply with the Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitations) Regulations, Chapter 328 of the Subsidiary Laws of Belize, as [...]
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