March 21, 2023

International News: Gang violence in Haiti leaves over 180 dead in 11 days

The Associated Press reports that the wave of violence from February 27 to March 9 in Port-au-Prince has displaced hundreds of people and forced farmers to abandon their [...]
March 21, 2023

Taiwanese president plans to visit Belize, Guatemala to shore up relations; U.S. will allow passage

The President’s trip, which would be her second to Belize, is intended to “demonstrate the importance we attach to our allies and further deepen cooperation and [...]
March 21, 2023

Caribbean Development Bank and United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office tour projects in Belize

The mission’s purpose was to supervise projects financed by the CDB and/or the UKCIF.
March 21, 2023

Patrick Faber celebrates 45th birthday

Faber, born March 21, 1978 turns 45 today while marking decades of service to Belize.
March 21, 2023

International News: Cartel in Mexico ambush military troops in Guerrero

The Mexican military noted that the unit was attacked by about 18 armed men aboard 2 vehicles.
March 21, 2023

Wonder Women highlight: SuperMom and grandma

Today’s feature is on a loving and caring mom and grandma who continues to demonstrate such pure love for her children and grandchildren.
March 21, 2023

Lucy Fleming declines seat on EIA tribunal; Minister plays down Waterloo suit

Fleming had been named along with Judge Patricia Farnese and environmental consultant Professor Terry Hughes but she wrote on Facebook that “I realized that in fairness [...]
March 21, 2023

First ever Agricultural Day in San Antonio, Cayo; a huge success!

By Zoila Palma Gonzalez: On March 16, 2023, the San Antonio Village Council hosted the first ever Agricultural Day/ Farmers Day.
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