November 4, 2022

Opposition Leader gives thanks after Hurricane Lisa

“Thank the good Lord all of you are alive and safe. We can replace our material things but we cannot replace life. Let us continue to [...]
November 4, 2022

International News: El Salvador’s war against gang continue with destruction of members’ tombstones

According to the Associated Press, the Salvadoran Government sent inmates into cemeteries to destroy the tombs of gang members at a time of year when families [...]
November 4, 2022

Premier League of Belize to meet Thursday to discuss semifinals

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Premier League of Belize (PLB) meets on Thursday at midday to discuss the semifinals which were planned for the weekend.
November 4, 2022

Road Safety Project reminds motorists to exercise caution when traveling

“As the country recovers from the aftermath of Hurricane Lisa, the Second Road Safety Project, a unit of the Ministry of Economic Development, would like to [...]
November 4, 2022

CARICOM Sec-Gen extends solidarity to Belize on the devastation caused by Hurricane Lisa

CARICOM’s Secretary General, Dr. Carla Barnett has expressed solidarity with Belize on the devastation caused by Hurricane Lisa.
November 4, 2022

Belize Electricity Limited: Power restored to 70% of Belize City customers

In the Cayo District, up to 95% of customers had their power restored.
November 4, 2022

Ministry of Education: “Let us work together to rebound and recover”

“Our Ministry expresses our deepest sympathies to those who suffered losses during Hurricane Lisa. While we are grateful that no lives were lost, we are cognizant [...]
November 4, 2022

Taiwan ready to support Belize with US $200,000 for hurricane relief

The Taiwan Embassy in Belize says that Taiwan stands ready to support Belize.
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