According to police, 22-year-old Jose Castillo and his brother Anthony, 18, both of Young Bank area, Camalote, Cayo, are hospitalized in stable condition while a third [...]
Police say that on Thursday afternoon around 2:00, Jones and other persons were sitting on a three-foot-high cement fence on Fifth Avenue, allegedly drinking. Jones is [...]
“This equipment will support improvements in data management by the Belize Police Department and the National Forensic Science Service. The goal is to strengthen inter-agency data [...]
San Pedro Town resident Stephanie Hibdon told police that she contacted a contractor on March 18 of this year via phone and requested his assistance for [...]
On July 22, 2022, the Belize Embassy in Taiwan said that Johnson Seafood Co., LTD in Taiwan has shared their excitement in photos unloading their containers [...]