Bernard was jointly charged with 29-year-old, Wayne Welch and 30-year-old, Richard Edward O'Neal, for aggravated burglary, along with one count of wounding upon Rong Bin Liang, [...]
A more heartening statistic is that two out of every three Belizeans eligible to be vaccinated have received at least two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Denroy Anthony Lopez, 40, was arraigned in the Belize City Magistrate's Court today, where he was charged with one count of aggravated assault upon PC, Raveed [...]
Usher held discussions with representatives from the Council of Churches, National Evangelical Association of Belize (NEAB), and the Belize Evangelical Association of Churches (BEAC), with participating [...]
Forty-seven-year-old Ian Herrera and 39-year-old Carden Lewis appeared unrepresented, answering to a single count each of possession of controlled drugs with the intent to supply, to [...]